Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Allergy Baking: The Fallout

Like I mentioned, I don't own an electric mixer. This kept me from trying out my pumpkin pie using a Gluten-Free Pie Crust recipe I found. I'm not sure I have the counter space or the skill to try such a process, either. I admit, it scares me. But I want to find good gluten-free things to make for my boyfriend so he isn't tempted to eat all the glutenated foods he encounters every day at my apartment, the on-campus dining halls, and his neighbors. He cheats. Regularly. I think I get more upset with him eating gluten than I do with him eating chocolate or ice cream.

Ok, for a little bit of background, my boyfriend recently lost something like 50 lbs. At least, that's the number he tells me. I actually didn't know him before he lost the weight. He hasn't done anything miraculous to do it, either. But he kinda wants to lose a little bit more and I'm sure the deserts, the sugar, and the take-out food doesn't help. I, too, would like to lose some weight. I just don't have any self control. I'll be really good for a couple of months, then go grocery shopping and the temptation will be unbearable. Oreo cookies, chips, imported chocolate bars (I'm addicted to the "international food" aisle!), brownie mixes, I could go on. Winter is the worst. They break out the almond cookies in the center aisle. The Reese's peanut butter trees. Ugh.

I keep telling my boyfriend that he should go shopping for me and buy healthy foods. He thinks I should try becoming vegetarian to see if I can do it. I'm already borderline... I don't eat a lot of meat, but I also don't like many vegetables. I'm trying to do better, though.

I digress. He's really good at trying to stop me from eating the candies, the chocolates, and the cookies. But I'm not as good at getting him to stop eating gluten. Pizza is a weakness of both of ours. But he's got a bigger weakness for crackers than me & chocolate. So I want to surround him with things that aren't likely to make his gluten intolerance worse. I've heard that the more often you "cheat" the worse you can get, until it becomes possibly life-threatening. I really don't want that. I don't want to worry that crackers could seriously harm him. That scares me.

So I haven't made my pies again because I don't want the regular ones around tempting him and can't get myself to try making the gluten-free pie crust. It looks SO complicated!! I'll have to start looking online for a less complicated version. Like I said, I might try to make it again for the feast we're doing this weekend. It looks like there will be enough people here that I don't have to worry about leftovers (as long as I make something people end up liking!).

Meanwhile I busy myself trying to find gluten-free recipes for my favorite things to bake. It's a bit of a journey, but I've had lots of self-esteem boosts from his family when I made a few things over thanksgiving. I asked him about a million times "So how did your family like...." Every time he tells me they loved it. I might not believe it if they keep liking everything. Surely not every bread or muffin can be a success.

Introduction to Allergies: Cinnamon

I know, I know, I just created my intro post and I'm already on a new one. OMG! I'm not going to create a blog with the intention of saying things without actually having something to say straight out!

Recently I've gotten *really* into baking. Two of my good friends helped me slaughter a bunch of leftover pumpkins from a Samhain party (Halloween) and showed me how to cook with them. They hated to see them go to waste, but already had 9 lbs of pumpkin in their fridge & freezer. I was skeptical of using huge pumpkins for cooking, but with the right ingredients and a little know-how, they add a good touch to breads and muffins. The pies weren't spectacular -- my mom's homemade pies using out-of-the-can pumpkin are too good, in my opinion, to try to out-do. I made 4 pies straight out of the box. I don't have a ton of room, nor an electric mixer, so I cheated and used store-bought pie crust. Everything else I did myself. Well, with the help of my boyfriend at times.

After making the first two pies I found out one of my friends is allergic to cinnamon. Either that or she just reacts badly to it. Anyway, after consulting with my mom, we came up with a spice mix that made apparently a pretty darn good pie and had no cinnamon in it. I brought it with to a gathering of friends and ended up with one slice for myself to take back home and try. It was even still warm when I brought it to everyone. That's the only reason I didn't try any earlier, I like my pumpkin pie cold. Unfortunately that one was eaten by my roommate the next morning before I woke up! They all apparently loved it. I asked what I should to do make it better and they couldn't tell me. Let me tell you how much THAT helped my self esteem!!!
I'm addicted to scouring the internet for recipes, so unfortunately I don't remember exactly where I got the basic recipe, but it was similar to what my mom's been using for years. What I finally made was the following:

Cinnamon-Free Pumpkin Pie
- 1 cup sugar (2 cups if using the huge jack-o-lantern pumpkins)
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp cloves
- 1 tsp allspice
- 1/2 tsp ginger
- 4 large eggs
- 3 cups pumpkin
- 18 oz. evaporated nonfat milk

Mix all ingredients. Pour into crust, filling as deep as desired.
Bake @ 425 F. for 15 minutes. Turn down to 350 F. for 45-60 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.

I might try making this again with a can of store-bought pumpkin. My roommate's hosting a mid-winter feast at our place this weekend. This experience did teach me one thing, at least. I'm not scared of trying to use fresh pie pumpkins in my baking next year.

Welcome To My Mind

I hate the obligatory introduction posts where I say who I am, why I'm here, and how I'm going to religiously update every time a thought pops into my head. Who am I kidding? I'm not that special. I'm not really sure why I'm here, except that I had an inkling to create a new blog. Yes, I've had blogs before, but they're filled with people I actually KNOW outside the internet. I want something unknown. Something a bit more private. Somewhere I can say things I don't necessarily want associated with the "me" everyone knows. Something... honest.

So, this is my attempt at anonymity and honesty. I don't often say what I really feel, or go into topics I know other people could care less about. I can't say whether or not I'll stick with it, or how well-spoken I'll be, but hopefully someone will read it and find something enjoyable in it.

Welcome to my mind. Please, don't mind the mess.